Osho Cards

My best friend of 40 years is using Osho Zen cards. People started asking him to do readings and he was finding the readings to be quite poignant. I dismissed them at first because I was very familiar with the Rider-Waite deck. While placing an order for some books on Amazon, I wound up adding the Osho cards to make up the difference I needed for free shipping. Upon arrival, I was very impressed with their relevance. I treated them as snapshots of the what was going on just below my awareness level. Kind of like getting an opinion from a trusted friend on a given situation or relationship.

I proceeded to carry the cards around with me and let people pull a card. They seemed just as impressed and wanted to get their own set. I've been supplying sets to people who wanted their own.

The cards are a fun way to learn Zen, at least for me.


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